
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The Thebes Stool {Five Easy Pieces}

five easy pieces_the thebes stool via Meet Me in Philadelphia
Are you ready for the next chapter in my "Five Easy Pieces" series? Yesterday was spent learning about and extolling the virtues of the bell jar lantern (which many of you also love!) while today I'll focus on a versatile little piece of furniture: the Thebes stool.

Like the lantern highlighted in yesterday's post, today's "easy piece" has its beginnings in another time and place. The Thebes stool, in its earliest iteration, can be found in the tombs of Egyptian pharaohs, but the piece's revival can most directly be attributed to Liberty of London.

In the late 19th century, Liberty of London began producing the Egyptian-style stool in flexible-yet-durable plywood as a part of the store's Furnishing & Decorating Studio (via V&M Museum). Liberty continued manufacturing the stool until approximately 1919 and, since that time, designers have reproduced the style all over the world.

Antique versions of the Thebes stool, especially those produced by Liberty of London, are considered collector's items and can be worth several thousands of dollars.

As a piece of practical design, the Thebes stool functions as both seat and ottoman in some of my favorite spaces. My dream interior designer, Kristen Panitch, often uses the Thebes stool in her gorgeous interiors.
five easy pieces_the thebes stool via Meet Me in Philadelphia
five easy pieces_the thebes stool via Meet Me in Philadelphia
five easy pieces_the thebes stool via Meet Me in Philadelphia
(via Jentrified)
five easy pieces_the thebes stool via Meet Me in Philadelphia

If you stumble across one of these designs while out thrifting or estate sale shopping, snatch it up! Original Liberty of London Thebes stools are sold for around a thousand dollars while reproductions (depending on provenance and condition) can retail for nearly as much. And if you find two but don't have room for both, send one my way!
five easy pieces_the thebes stool via Meet Me in Philadelphia
(one / two / three)

What are your thoughts on this stalwart of British-via-Ancient Egyptian style?  I don't know about you, but I'd do just about anything for a Thebes stool of my own.


  1. These are so versatile - I'll have to keep my eye out. Fun series Ashley - wondering what else you have in store for the week.

    1. Glad you're enjoying the series, Holly! Thank you!

  2. Fun--and new to me! This is a piece I have never thought about, much less knew the name of. Thanks!

  3. So sculptural and graphic! One of my favorite classics!! We leave for Europe tomorrow...will be on the lookout :)

    1. If you spot an extra, bring one home for me, Loi! :)

  4. This series has officially won my design loving heart, Ashley. Thebes stool? Who knew? I can't believe I've never been able to pick them out of the crowd until you pointed them out. Their history is fascinating. I'm now going to keep my eyes very peeled.

  5. I just found one of these at an antique store for $15! How do I know how old it is and its real value?


I'd love to hear your thoughts!