
Monday, February 15, 2016


Living Room via Meet Me in Philadelphia
Wow, it's been a long time, hasn't it?

Since I last posted, life has changed substantially around here and, amazingly, all for the best. I've learned a lot about myself through the crucible of significant life experiences that happened last year, namely career upheaval and--most importantly--pregnancy and the arrival of our new baby girl.

I felt like I lived an entire lifetime last year. Just as our circumstances changed, so did our home.

In April, we were overjoyed to find out that we were expecting our first child; almost instantly, despite my pregnancy nausea and job-related stress, Adam and I dove headfirst into a long list of to-do's to prepare ourselves for our baby who was due in December. Our ambitious preparations bordered on mania, with us keeping both a room-by-room Google doc project list and chalkboard task list to keep ourselves accountable...

We took on a lot of work in several spaces, including our half bathroom, master bedroom, dining room and, of course, the nursery. I plan to share each room here in the coming weeks, but I couldn't wait to share a sneak peek.
Dining Room via Meet Me in Philadelphia
Master Bedroom via Meet Me in Philadelphia
Den via Meet Me in Philadelphia
Nursery via Meet Me in Philadelphia
(all via Meet Me in Philadelphia)

But, I'd be remiss to finish this post without addressing my absence, the title of this post and how I'd like to continue with this blog. I took time off because, like many, I became very exasperated with blogging. The pace seemed too much. The pressure seemed too much. I was sad far too often when I felt no one was reading.

Now, though, I'm not so interested in chasing the popularity and sponsorship of other bloggers (good for them, though! honestly!). I'm not concerned with everyone and their uncle reading this blog. I'm not all that frustrated when I take photos of my home and the white balance is off or the pillows aren't fluffed. 

Here's the reason for my evolution and the evolution of this blog: Astrid Delphine, our daughter.
She arrived three days before Christmas and redirected and recentered our lives as soon as we laid eyes on her. I want nothing more than to give her the best, to give her all of my attention and love. Her coos make us melt and her smiles make us grin ear-to-ear. Because of her, I feel more open to share more of my interests here so expect more posts on gardening, style and the occasional mommy/baby post.

So, with that said, hello again. For those who have read for some time: thank you for allowing me to grow, expand and evolve this blog; for those who are new: welcome. I look forward to getting to know you.


  1. Thanks for coming back Ashley. Your blog has always been one of my favorites. Can't wait to see all the changes you have made to your amazing home. Astrid posts will be icing on the cake 💓

    1. Thank you so much, Karen. You are such a wonderful supporter here and on Instagram! I hope you like what you see in the upcoming room reveal/update posts.

  2. So glad you're back! My baby girl arrived about a month after yours. It's amazing how ones perspective can change so rapidly, isn't it? We also took on a bunch of projects in the name of "finishing" the house before baby. I've now got two bathrooms 80% renovated. I thought it would kill me not to have them done before her arrival! Hilarious now, since I don't care one bit.

    Looking forward to following along again. I love your style and I'm looking forward to gardening and mom/baby posts. Two topics near and dear to me :)

    1. Congratulations on your baby, Kate! It's such a wonderful gift to be a parent, isn't it?

      I totally agree about caring a whole lot less about renovations now that I'm a parent, but I still love design and couldn't just let that flame burn out...hence my return! :)

      Glad to know you're excited about my new topics...sounds like we are definitely kindred spirits!

  3. First of all, congratulations on the new addition! I've been following your blog for years and it has long been one of my very favorites, so I can't wait to see what you have in store. I've been following along on Instagram in the interim but am thrilled to see you're back!

    1. Thank you so much, jwhitley! I appreciate your support throughout the years, and for sticking with me despite my far-too-frequent blog breaks. I also love Instagram for quick posts, but it doesn't come close to the more intimate and fleshed-out convos we can have here!

  4. Welcome back! I'm so excited to read your posts!

    1. Thanks so much, Sarah-Jane! I'd love to find out how your decorating your new digs in NYC!

  5. Congratulations on your adorable baby girl!! And on top of that your home looks fabulous!!!

    1. Thank you so much, Sissy! Trust me when I say my home doesn't always look fabulous these days (between all the laundry and necessary baby "stuff") but it's certainly a happy home, which is most important. :)

  6. Children change us in so many ways. As you know I'm excited about Astrid and you and Adam becoming parents, oh and of course about you blogging again.

    1. Thanks, Mom. You of all people know how much I love this girl and how she's already made her imprint on our lives.

  7. Glad to have you back.I'm always interested in what you and family are doing.

  8. Glad to have you back, Ashley. For what it's worth, lately I've found myself missing old-school blogs like yours--personal ones where the blogger shares her thoughts about design, her projects and moments in her life, and her home's evolution--and tired of the overly styled, overly sponsored blogs that have lost their personal touch. I'd rather have sporadic posts than the manufactured stuff I see on other blogs that have gone "corporate," for lack of a better word. (I mean, another sponsored holiday tablescape--how original! But i digress.) So many of the more personal bloggers in my feed have stopped posting, so when I see one come back I'm thrilled. I think your home is lovely and authentic and I appreciate you continuing to share it. Also, congratulations on your beautiful daughter!

    1. Sam, I couldn't agree more with what you wrote. It's as if you read my mind. The blogging world is so different than it was just a few years ago and, sadly, some of my favorite reads are no longer writing which is such a shame. I hope to always come across as genuine and motivated only by the desire to connect with others--that's what it's all about for me.

      Forget perfection and magazine publications; I'd much rather meet likeminded people who I can share interests and ideas with, like you! Thanks for reading!!

  9. Congrats on your baby girl!!!! I totally relate to what you have written. Blogging can be draining. Kudos to you for staying authentic and not forcing yourself to post. Those who post only when inspired have the best blogs. I think quality over quality is much more important. Even if it means waiting months between posts. Plus it's good you learned not too pressure yourself to post before the arrival of your little one. In a few months she will be roaming around destroying your home, and taking nice neat pics will be incredibly difficult. Welcome to mommyhood. Incredibly messy and blissful at the same time :-)

    1. Thank you! This probably came across but we're completely over the moon with our gal, that's for sure.

      I totally agree with the sentiment of quality over quantity in EVERY aspect of my life, and I appreciate the encouragement to stay true to that here. Thanks so much for reading!

  10. Welcome back! I'm so happy. your blog (and home) is a fave of mine and brings so much inspiration. I hear ya on the blogging pressure. I used to blog and gave up when I became pregnant with Giuliana. It's a lot to keep up and for me just wasn't healthy with all the pressure I dumped on myself. Anyway, your baby girl is so so sweet and it's been fun following along on instagram. ;)

  11. Yay!!! I am so glad you are writing again! I would check your blog off and on and would be sad that there was no new post. Thank you for not quitting, because "Meet Me in Philadelphia" is a jewel!

    Now, let me say CONGRATULATIONS on the birth of your beautiful girl. Her name is gorgeous - as is she. The black and white picture above is just stunning.

  12. every few weeks I have been checking to see if you're back . I was very suprised to see the post. Of course , we're reading. Duh! Well, except when you're not writing. Congrats on the baby doll! karen


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