
Friday, April 4, 2014

Good Things Happen to Those Who Wait

The day has finally come when I have some positive news to share about my job search: I have one!

I have so many feelings bubbling up inside me in light of these recent developments, but what's really worth sharing is this: over the past two years of on-and-off unemployment, I have learned a tremendous amount about myself. Unemployment has tested my mettle like no other circumstance could.
When kind and concerned friends and family suggested I look into a career in design or short-term solutions like admin jobs, I did my best to thank them for their advice while trying to hold fast to my intended career: education, specifically early-childhood education and, even more specifically, Head Start.

I applied to countless jobs, interviewed many times and revised my resume more than a person should admit; all the while the results remained the same--no job. I lamented my unemployment. I reexamined every career decision I had made. I declared that I would never be given a second chance to prove my skills and my commitment to quality early childhood education for children living in poverty. I cried.
But through all of this, all two-plus years of this deeply traumatic experience, I've been the beneficiary of unwavering love, unending support and unceasing encouragement from those closest to me, especially from my husband. Without Adam, there were times when I could have drifted off into a sea of sadness; with him, I always found the shore.
But the time has come to finally look ahead to the prospect of new opportunities, new colleagues and new intellectual challenges. I think I'm ready to get back in the game. I've been on the sidelines long enough.
I'm a working woman again (actually, I start on Monday). And for the first time in a long time, the job will incorporate a both sides of me--education and design. I'd like to refrain from too much detail (for the sake of my own privacy) but my future colleagues have read my blog and have acknowledged it as a special skill set. How great is that?

What does this mean for the blog, my Etsy shop, home projects and the like, you ask?

I plan to keep it all up. I'll probably post about 3 times per week and will keep up with my Etsy shop just as before. It has been an endeavor that's given me purpose, income and self-efficacy when I had none.

All that said, I am forever changed by my unemployment experience. I haven't fully processed the full effect extended joblessness has had on me, but I know this: good things happen to those who wait and to those who work hard to realize their dreams.

Wishing you all a very happy weekend! Thank you for your support, thoughts and prayers over the last two years--they've certainly had a hand in my changing circumstance.


  1. Excellent news Ashley!! I can tell you are excited about this opportunity and ready to get started on your new path. I'm not sure I ever wrote about this, but I was an elementary education major in college. I had a not-so-great student teaching experience which somewhat soured me on going into the field but I still enjoy watching children learn (my own) and I have a real love for children's literature. I wish you well my friend and glad to hear your great news today. And PS - I'm still working in my financial services job as well. Certainly works both sides of my brain ;)

  2. Congratulations to you Ashley! Wishing you all the best in your new opportunity!

  3. Congrats dear Ashley. So excited for you as you begin your new adventure. You are a very impressive young woman.

  4. Woo hoo!! This is the best possible news. I had lots of theories on what the good news was but I was hoping it was a new job because I knew that's what you wanted most of all. You are so talented - kids and education are lucky to have you!! But, I'm glad we still get you roughly 3 times a week.

  5. This is so exciting. I'm so happy for you. Love you lots lady and good luck on Monday!

  6. Congratulations! I've been in a similar situation since moving to Philadelphia this past fall with my husband, who got a fab job offer to teach at Wharton. I graduated from law school last spring and really want to focus on environmental litigation. I applied for tons of jobs, got a lot of rejection, but finally got a great offer . . . the only catch was that it wouldn't start for over a year after I was hired! So after several months of being depressed and lonely (being in a new place can be so isolating), I finally decided to become a volunteer for an organization that I care about a lot. And, it's been good, but still challenging to find my place in the world. A lot of my friends and family haven't fully understood why I've been so unhappy--with my husband in a great job, I have the freedom and luxury to be a "lady of leisure." It's so frustrating when you know what you want to do, and you have to jump through tons of hoops to make it happen. Congratulations on getting there!

  7. Many Congratulations, Ashley!!! Hope you and Adam go out for a celebratory dinner tonight. Cheers, my friend!

  8. Oh, I'm so happy for you! Very, very exciting news. Hope you guys have a wonderful weekend of celebrating, and I can't wait to hear the details!!!

  9. Congratulations Ashley! I'm so glad you held out for what you wanted.

  10. Wonderful news, cheers to you.

  11. Ashley, great news! I am so thrilled you found a job that really suits your desires and skill set. You should be really proud of yourself not just for landing a job, but for sticking through the rough times and persevering. Congrats!

  12. Congratulations!! So happy that you found a job that you're excited about. Have a terrific Monday!

  13. So happy for you, Ashley! All the best to you as you enter this new season.

  14. I am over the moon for you my friend!! And even more thrilled that you'll get to be doing exactly what you want to do! And you just featured about every favorite movie to boot. :) Let's celebrate!

  15. yay!!! I am thrilled for you!!!!

  16. Whoo hoo! That's a really good feeling. Congrats!

  17. Whoo hoo! That's a really good feeling. Congrats!

  18. Fabulous, fabulous news. Having followed you for so long, I know how much this job means to you. Best of luck as you start your first week. And if you feel like you can't keep up with it all, it's ok to slow down a bit! :) Yay, Ashley!!


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