
Friday, September 28, 2012

New Bright White Lamp

Last week, I stopped by Ikea while Mom was around. I was a woman on a mission while there, because I knew I couldn't leave without taking home the new Tisdag work lamp to add a bit more extra bright white feeling to the top of my entry chest.
I'm sinply crazy about it.

I've been very busy all week continuing projects for my guest bedroom (say goodbye to these ugly shelves!), so I'm looking forward to some time with my husband this weekend.

'Til Monday, dear readers.


  1. so pretty! Very nice vignet too.

  2. That's a good lookin' set up, Lady! Love the contrast between the sleek white lamp and the deep blue and gold of the chest. Yummy!

  3. So cool. Love it next to the white bust.


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