
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Pair of Vintage Open-Arm Chairs

Friends, I benefited from my own auction tips last week. Last Monday afternoon--despite nursing a bad cough and cold--I drove to an auction preview and left an absentee bid on a pair of upholstered arm chairs for the living room. In their current state, they weren't pretty; but my reasonable bid was enough to bring them home (I got them for $130!). Their open-arm style was calling my name even if their fabric left a lot to be desired.

Let's start musing inspiration for the transformation of these cool chairs, shall we?
When I saw the chairs' open-arm style, I instantly recalled a similar pair that Meg Lonergan rescued from the trash heap. Seeing what Meg did, I knew I had to leave a bid.
Meet Me in Philadelphia
Meet Me in Philadelphia

A little internet research yielded several similar chairs in solid upholstery that have sold on 1st Dibs and V&M. That means I've got some expensive inspiration (and taste, for that matter)...
Meet Me in Philadelphia
(one / two / three)

The chairs will flank the fireplace, but they will look infinitely better dressed up in some new fabric.
As of now, I'm leaning towards reupholstering these in a solid...right? A print might be too busy.
Meet Me in Philadelphia
Meet Me in Philadelphia
I'm ready rip that skirt off and swap the current back cushion for a box cushion (without buttons). Now, wouldn't those changes go a long way to modernize the chairs? 

These chairs are prime example of why I love auctions: you never know what kind of great stuff can come up for sale. And $130 for a couple of chairs isn't bad, if you ask me.

Stay tuned for their (eventual) new look!


  1. SCORE!!! They are so good and the scale is just perfect. Totally agree on the skirt and the cushions. And I think you are right on the solid fabric, although Meg's ikat sure looks nice.

  2. Let me know what auctions you check out in the area...unless you dont want to reveal your secrets:)

  3. I love an open-arm chair and you scored with these! Hmm. I know your sofa will be solid but can't remember what other pieces will be in the room. If no other patterns are going on, I think a large scale print could be so cool (like Meg's), but I'm kind of a play it safe gal when it comes to upholstery. Definitely rip off the granny skirt and let those ladies show their legs. Can't wait to see what you do!!

  4. Definitely a solid so you can really see the clean lines of the chairs. Great find!

    Champagne Lifestyle on a Beer Budget

  5. You are on fire. Your house is evolving into a chic and collected looking space! I'm with Kathy, I think since the sofa is solid it might be fun to do a big, bold print, but I say follow your instincts. I have loved all of your choices thus far!

  6. If not a pattern, then a richly hued velvet -either bright or dark and saturated but definitely something bold. What fun, I'm jealous!

  7. Nice find! I rescued a pair of antique armchairs from the side of the road and am currently saving up to have them reupholstered. Love giving something a second chance at life:) Yours will look awesome, I'm sure!

  8. These chairs are great! I agree the skirt has to go and a solid will keep the room refined.

  9. Love these...great buy!!! Can't wait to see what you recover them in!!

  10. Congrats on the acquisition. You saw potential where I would not have seen any.


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