
Monday, April 21, 2014

Quince, Of Course {+ Other Garden Developments}

quince sprigs on bamboo etagere via Meet Me in Philadelphia
In the last week, our garden has erupted in color as flowering bulbs, shrubs and trees awaken to the spring. I wish we could take credit for each one, but we are the lucky beneficiaries of a previous owner's choices, which include a mature pink magnolia, a star magnolia and two coral quince.

This weekend the quince buds opened and, despite their thorns, invited me to snip some for display around the house.

blooming quince via Meet Me in Philadelphia
blooming quince via Meet Me in Philadelphia
I especially love the contrast between the delicate petals of the quince and the hard stone exterior of our house. The sprigs I cut look right at home in the antique urn vase and equally-aged bamboo etagere in the guest bedroom (which I'll be showing off in the coming weeks!).
quince sprigs on bamboo etagere via Meet Me in Philadelphia
Elsewhere in the garden, the bulbs we planted last fall have sprouted. It's been fun discovering the occasional muscari bulb--relocated by squirrels last fall--emerging from the roots of a large tree in the front yard.
purple muscari via Meet Me in Philadelphia
star magnolia bud via Meet Me in Philadelphia
tulip varieties in bloom via Meet Me in Philadelphia
The poet daffodils and black parrot tulips are almost ready to bloom and I can't wait for them to make their appearance.
pink magnolia tree via Meet Me in Philadelphia
pink magnolia tree via Meet Me in Philadelphia
(all via Meet Me in Philadelphia)

I'm happy to say--after a particularly harsh winter--that spring has sprung in Philadelphia.

What is blooming in your garden?


  1. Gorgeous. Our dogwoods are blooming and sadly just past their prime. We're now in the full throes of tree pollen season. Not that I'm complaining. Loving the weather here lately!

    1. As someone with terrible allergies, I depend on my daily Zyrtec! But I'd rather see flowers than snowflakes!

  2. Everything is gorgeous and just what you would have planted!

  3. Beautiful, beautiful spring! I'm insanely jealous of your dogwood! It is stunning. And your quince...they are my favorite flowering shrub. How lucky you are to have one! So excited for you watch your tulips come up! :)

  4. It's been really fun to see what is sprouting up next in our garden as well. Your words are perfect, we are the beneficiaries of a previous owners beautiful garden choices. We have tulips, mountain pinks, asciatic lilies (which I still need to look up), daffodils, narcissa, and some others that I'm not sure of yet. Such a fun adventure to see. The quince is so pretty!

  5. These are lovely! It's so fun to discover all the plants and shrubs in a new yard. So far we've got blooming forsythia, hyacinths, and *maybe* some tulips. But no quince :(


I'd love to hear your thoughts!