I'd like to believe that there are others among us with as substantial a project list as I. Because Adam and I rent and can make minimal, temporary changes to our current apartment, these projects all pertain to decor that I can pick up and carry with me to our next place. Many of said projects came out of our current apartment, which surprised us by having more livable space than we were equipped for. Problems, problems, I know.
So what are these undone projects? Well, they all reside in a queue I'm cultivating in my head. Join me, won't you?
1. Loveseat reupholstery

I refuse to believe that changing inherited furniture is somehow taboo. I will not succumb to sentimentality when
I am the one that has to live with an outdated piece that threatens to keep me up nights (no, not really). Not wanting to invest in a sofa for our quasi-den, I approached my parents and asked to take this loveseat off of their hands. It's nothing of value, but my parents have had it since I was a child and I really like the curved back. Reimagine this piece with some gray linen upholstery with a few printed pillows thrown in for good measure. It should be lovely; I should get on that.
2. X-bench reupholstery

Pretty nifty find, huh? Would you believe me if I told you I won it on Ebay for $13 because, seriously, I did. It's a little
Blanche Devereaux in its current state, but what potential. Eat your heart out, Jonathan Adler!
I have no ideas what to fabric to use on this piece. Any ideas?
3. Terrarium

I bought
this book at a gnarly thrift store across the river near Camden last summer and it has inspired me to create a terrarium. With little more than a glass jar from Daffy's, some moss and stones from The Christmas Tree Shops, and some charcoal from local store Verde, I'm well on my way.
I promise to share the results of these projects once they materialize. There are many more floating around in my head, but I'll share these 3 first so I don't bite off more than I can chew. What projects do you have in your queue?