Friday, January 14, 2011

TGIF, 1/14/11 Edition

(The Guardian UK)

Considering that 49 of 50 U.S. states had snow on the ground this week, I'll just go ahead and assume that wherever you are, you're surrounded by snow. That's January for you.

As per usual, I'll share with you what's on my agenda this weekend:
  • More organization, culminating in an exciting trip to The Container Store
  • A quick and cheapo framing project
  • Some wedding preparation...I'm the worst, most ill-prepared bride-to-be!
Before we head into the weekend, I wanted to share an incredibly flattering blog shout out that I received today via a kindred spirit with Philly/CT connections like me, Fran from Green Street. She awarded me one of her Stylish Blogger Awards! Thank you, Fran!

So, as is customary, I will share 7 things about myself:
  1. My fiance, Adam, and I were born 8 days apart, and if I was a boy, my name would have been Adam.
  2. I once appeared on the homepage during NY Fashion Week as part The Sartorialist feature.
  3. I have never developed wisdom teeth.
  4. Aside from my interest in design, I am committed to improving the educational opportunities for the neediest Americans, and work to improve the Head Start Program here in Philadelphia.
  5. I hate to fly.
  6. The books in my bookcase are alphabetized.
  7. In high school, I was voted "Most Artistic" and "Most Original" but was required to choose only one superlative. Naturally, I chose "Most Original" because my male counterpart was a real hunk...
Now, I'd like to highlight 7 blogs that inspire me with every post they produce, and pass along to them the Stylish Blogger Award:
  1. Fresh Basil (a life-long friend!)
  2. Design Manifest
  3. Armas Design
  4. say YES! to hoboken
  5. My Interior Life
  6. The Neo-Traditionalist
  7. elsie marley
Finally, I wanted to share info on an upcoming event here in Philadelphia to raise awareness about the Delaware River waterfront revitalization initiatives, many of which are spearheaded by the Penn School of Design.

On Tuesday, January 18th, there will be a Happy Hour beginning at 5:30PM at the Race Street Cafe to support the development of the Race Street Pier.
Please come out and join. Adam and I will be there!
Details below:
(Thanks, Bridget!)

Well, you've heard enough from me today.
Happy Weekend, everyone!


  1. Very cool, I'll try to make it!

    Thanks for the award, and I did enjoy your tidbits. Do you have a copy of the satorialist photo? You should totally share!!

  2. Yes, I want to see that Sartorialist photo too! I think what you do for Head Start is amazing - definitely a worthwhile thing.

    And thanks so much, Ashley, for the award! That is so nice of you. I will definitely thank you and link back to you as I love your blog!

    Have a great weekend.


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