Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Pinnin' Up a Storm

Okay, so I admit it, it's true: I've been totally, completely, helplessly bitten by the Pinterest bug
I've been slowly collecting images and categorizing them and, if this cataloging process is any indication, I love prints, patterns, colors, and cozy spaces.

Want to see what images have been filling my Pinterest boards? Sneak a peek.
(via my "Spaces for Living" pinboard on Pinterest)

(via my "Spaces for Sleeping" pinboard on Pinterest)

(via my "Textiles" pinboard on Pinterest)

(via my "All things Floral" pinboard on Pinterest)

Have your Pinterest boards shown you what styles and designs you gravitate towards?

Want to follow my Pinterest pinning
Well, whatcha you waiting for?
You know you definitely need more Ashley in your life, don't try and deny it.


  1. Ha! I wrote about Pinterest yesterday too. What is it about that site? It takes ripping magazine pages out to a new level. Love it.

  2. I hate pinterest. I really do. Pretty images, though.


I'd love to hear your thoughts!

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